Helping Your Child Learn Math - June
What Our Children
Are Learning
You probably remember studying "arithmetic"-
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing when you were in elementary
school. Now, children are starting right away to learn about the broad
ideas associated with math, including problem solving, communicating mathematically,
reasoning, and number sense. Listed below are a few of the key mathematical
concepts that appear in elementary school math books and classroom instruction
Algebra: Algebra is a generalization
of arithmetic in which letters of the alphabet represent numbers or a
specified set of numbers, and are related by operations that hold for
all numbers in the set. Children use algebra when they solve problems
like 4+o = 7, with letters replacing the box as children get older.
Arithmetic: Arithmetic is
the knowledge and the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole
numbers and fractions. For example: 5+1, 10-5, 6x2, 3÷12, and ¾
+ ½.
Calculus: Calculus is about
how quantities change. By understanding calculus, people can use math
to make predictions about things that change over time.
Estimation: Estimation is
the act of approximating or guessing the number value of something. We
use estimation regularly to determine such things as how many, how heavy,
and how full. Being a good estimator also helps children know if answers
on calculators or other computer-generated data make sense.
Geometry and spatial sense:
Geometry begins with children recognizing shapes by their characteristics
and extends to their being able to use formulas and algebra to determine
important details about each shape. For example, a= ½ (bxh) is the
formula for determining the area of a triangle.
Measurement: Measurement is
determining the lengths, areas, volume, time, and other quantities. Children
need to know common units of measure such as inches or kilograms and how
to use measurement tools.
Number sense: Number sense
is understanding the relative sizes of numbers and how to use them, whether
doing arithmetic, estimation, measurement, or classification.
Probability: Probability is
determining the likelihood that something will happen, often expressed
as a fraction or a ratio1 in 10, 1/10.
Statistics: Statistics is
the collection and analysis of numerical data. Taking a census and counting
people is a statistical activity.
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