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Glossary of
Math Terms - (K-8) from Harcourt School Publishers.
English-Spanish Math
Translation - Math terms translated from English to Spanish.
Dictionary - Dictionary of measurement terms by the Center for Mathematics
and Science Education University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
of Math Words - The history of mathematical terms. (Pat Ballew)
Atlas - (High School +) Definitions of the fields that make
up mathematics. (Dave Rusin)
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History - The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive offers a wide
variety of topics related to math history: articles, explanations of math
areas, biographies of mathematicians, information on Math societies, famous
math quotations, and more.
History (Elementary - Middle School) Includes stories, inventions
and biographies. This site from a Thinkquest team offers concise information
and many pictures.
Famous Problems
in the History of Math - This site presents a view of math history
by studying some of the great problems that have inspired mathematicians
throughout the ages. (Math Forum, Isaac Reed)
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