The trig functions evaluate differently depending on the units on
q. For example, sin(90°) = 1, while sin(90)=0.89399....
If there is a degree sign after the angle, the trig function evaluates
its parameter as a degree measurement. If there is no unit after the
angle, the trig function evaluates its parameter as a radian measurement.
This is because radian measurements are considered to be the "natural"
measurements for angles. (Calculus gives us a justification for this.
A partial explanation comes from the formula for the area of a circle
sector, which is simplest when the angle is in radians).
Calculator note: Many calculators have degree, radian,
and grad modes (360° = 2p rad = 400
grad). It is important to have the calculator in the right mode since
that mode setting tells the calculator which units to assume for angles
when evaluating any of the trigonometric functions. For example, if
the calculator is in degree mode, evaluating sine of 90 results in 1.
However, the calculator returns 0.89399... when in radian mode.
Having the calculator in the wrong mode is a common mistake for beginners,
especially those that are only familiar with degree angle measurements.
For those who wish to reconcile the various trig functions that depend
on the units used, we can define the degree symbol (°)
to be the value (PI/180). Therefore, sin(90°), for example, is really
just an expression for the sine of a radian measurement when the parameter
is fully evaluated. As a demonstration, sin(90°) = sin(90(PI/180))
= sin(PI/2). In this way, we only need to tabulate the "natural" radian
version of the sine function. (This method is similar to defining percent
% = (1/100) in order to relate percents to ratios, such as 50% = 50(1/100)
= 1/2.)